
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2017

Trabajando en el laboratorio

El dia viernes 19 de mayo fuimos al laboratoria para observar un encéfalo de vaca y realizar unas actividades con el. A continuación las actividades realizadas: CARA DORSAL Lo primero que hicimos fue observar y describir como lo veíamos por ejemplo: Tenía un aspecto rugoso y carnoso Su color es rosado por los vasos sanguíneos En la parte superior tenía 3 membranas que lo protegen llamada Meninges La superficie era irregular Luego distinguimos las partes de la CARA DORSAL Finalizando con la CARA DORSAL con un bisturí cortamos la Médula Espinal para observar el conducto del epéndimo CARA VENTRAL Distinguimos sus partes (Lóbulo olfatorio, los nervios ópticos, quiasma óptico, la hipófisis o pituitaria) ANATOMÍA INTERNA Separamos los hemisferios cerebrales y cortamos cuidadosamente el cuerpo calloso para explorar la cavidad de cada hemisferio Realizamos un corte antero-posterior horizontal para ver la disposición de la ...

1 minute talk

Hello, my name is Beltran Bravo, my friends call me Bel or Beltru, I´m 14 years old, I was born the 15 of december. I live in adrogue with my family, my mother Veronica, my father Gustavo, my brother Tomas and my dog Tea. I like to watch series, the one that I like more is arrow, and I like to watch movies, that inside home. Outside home I like to play football, play with my dog and alot more thigs.     I go to a school that is locate at Adrogue, the name is Newlands, there I learn spanish adn englis. The subject that I like more is Geographi, French and a little be history. The ones that I dom´t like are art and drama. At school de tuesdays and thursday we make rugby at school, I don´t dislike ruby but I prefer to play fotball at school, bye

Futuro "1 Y 57"

En la clase de Tic estuvimos trabajando sobre Creative Commons y los derechos del autor. Estadio "1 y 57", por Estudiantes De La Plata, en la página oficial

Adolf Hitler

We have to make a Mind Map about hitler, here is mine.


tuvimos que realizar una infografia,en una tabla muda, sobre las páginas 34 y 35

Ma Presentation


Exchange programe to Turin

In the ELT lesson we have to make in pair a dialogue between a person and a friend, in that dialogue we have to tell to the friend that we are going to an exchange programme, what we will in the country that we go and also we have to said what we will do when the person of the other country came to Argentina, after of doing this we have to record the dialogue. I work with Agustin Mora

Weimar Republic timeline

This is my time line of the Weimar Republic, I do it with Prezi  

Naturalism and Stanislavski

In drama we are studying difference drama genres, styles and practitioners. Some of them are: Elizabethan theatre, Epic theatre, Naturalism, Physical theater and Musical Theatre and theater in education. My group dealt with Naturalism