Essay historical events

All the past is history, from events, actions to teachings. But we aren’t always able to be well told and that is when we ask ourselves if historical events are real or happened as people tell us. Sometimes there may be things that distort what really happened, so we are going to analyse them.

On one hand we have politicians that can interpret history to their own advantage. This can never be ascertained unless you are a historian, but you would not know it at all because perhaps they did not teach you things as they actually happened. Politicians can change history to favor themself, for example after taking a measure and said that was the right one, as a similar one was taken in the past and made a  better to the country when what really happened was that the measure made it worse.

On the other hand, we have the stories that get passed down to generations, we don’t know if they are true, since when is passed down from generation to generation, this suffers alterations by the person that is telling it, that changed history how he likes it most, changing details, for example.

To conclude, we realise that you will never know if history is well told, as there are many variables to it and it is change to advantages or pleasures. In my opinion, is better to believe in the story that is passed down to generations before the one said by politicians, as they always want the best for them.


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